Pay-Per-Click Advertising.

In today’s economy most customer’s purchasing decisions are now formed by researching online, so it’s incredibly important to place your organisation where it is easily seen.

Sometimes you just can’t wait for organic SEO to get you to the top of the list – you may have a new product you want to launch for example and require instant results. For that there is Google Ads, or simply put (without the brand name) just think of it as Digital Advertising.

Google Ads

The power of digital advertising lies in immediate, measurable and highly targeted results, driven by consumer behaviour, demographics, geographic location, context and time. Effective digital advertising will build your online presence, generate brand exposure, generate immediate website visits and leads, increase customer reach, and ultimately – increase sales. We can even retarget prospective customers who have previously interacted with your brand.

We start by defining a digital marketing strategy including a media plan, create the ads and then purchase and place the ads online. All advertisements are designed individually to suit the customer’s needs.

We ensure that we identify the right market, determine ad budgets and search phrases and then build highly relevant ad copy around it.

Our campaigns don’t simply stop after delivering the ad. We constantly measure, review and report on the digital advertising initiatives and make sure that you are getting optimum results. Where necessary we will optimise and adjust copy and targeting to ensure maximum results.


Remarketing is a branding and conversion optimisation tool that can form an important part of a digital marketing strategy. It is designed to help companies reach users who have previously visited your website (very Orwellian I know, but hey, it works!) by essentially following them on the web and ‘reminding’ them of you via strategically positioned advertising.

Remarketing is a great tool to increase Return on Investment (ROI). It focuses your advertising on viewers who are already familiar with your brand and who have already expressed interest by visiting your website. It works by simply ‘tagging’ pages of your site that correspond to any search categories that you want to promote.

We manage the audience lists, categories, demographics and keyword searches to ensure you maximise your presence through a series of different channels and increase the rate of returning visitors and therefore conversions. What this actually means in plain english is – if somebody at some time visited your website (or indeed a specific part of your website) we can make sure when online in the future they will see your advert on relevant websites they visit – creating recall and increasing the likelihood of them clicking your ad and returning to your website (cool huh!).

Pay-per-click campaigns work in conjunction with your other digital marketing initiatives such as SEO and Email Marketing.

SEO versus Google Ads

SEO versus Google Ads

Which is better for your business?